SWE-BWS welcomes Corporate Sponsors to partner with us and further our mission.

The Baltimore-Washington Section was established in 1950 at the time SWE was founded. Our membership consists of around 800 women and men in the DC Metro area (spanning from Baltimore, MD to Warrenton, VA) with diverse backgrounds and in all stages of their careers. We are a 503(c)(3) organization that is entirely run by local volunteers who are passionate about SWE’s mission.

Our Section works to do the following

SWE-BWS hosts networking and professional development sessions throughout the year. Topics have included “Networking for Career Development and Career Transitions”, “Natural Language Processing in the Cloud”, and more!

In FY23, SWE-BWS judged over 400 science fair projects. Additionally, we volunteered at over 15 STEM events for K-12 students across Maryland, Virginia, and DC.

SWE-BWS hosts in-person and virtual networking opportunities throughout the year, ranging from a Guinness Brewery Tour to a lunch at WE23, and everything in between!

SWE-BWS has over 800 members. Additionally, members volunteer as Collegiate Liaisons to connect with local collegiate SWE Sections.

How do we stay connected to our 800+ members?

The newsletter announces upcoming SWE-BWS professional development, volunteering and networking events. As of November 6, 2021, we have 706 subscribers.

Members and non-members alike can send in questions and suggestions to the SWE-BWS Executive Council. Additionally, the website features upcoming events.

  • Instagram (376 Followers)
  • Facebook (427 Followers)
  • LinkedIn (309 Connections)

How will we use sponsorship funds?

  • Directly impacting local girls* through the participation of SWE members as “Organization Judges”
    in 6-8 local science fairs each spring. SWE-BWS gives approximately 12 awards per science fair to
    encourage middle and high school students identifying as female* to pursue engineering.
    • 6 Promising Engineer Awards: Certificate and $25 Amazon gift card
    • 6 Outstanding Engineer Awards: Certificate and $50 Amazon gift card
  • Leading and/or participating in other local K-12 outreach opportunities,ǂ which may include:
    • SWE-BWS Booth at the Engineering Week Event at the National Building Museum (Washington, DC)
    • USA Science & Engineering Festival (Washington, DC)
    • Girl Scouts STEM events and partnerships
    • Regional Rube Goldberg Machine Contest®
  • Partnering in mentoring and networking events with local Collegiate SWE Sections
  • Hiring speakers for Professional Development events and arranging group activities / tours


Commitment of $5000+

● Recognition as a PLATINUM Sponsor on SWE-BWS Website, Ecomm emails, social media, and promotional materials
● Opportunity for your engineers to participate in a local K-12 outreach eventǂ
● Name recognition at all, typically over 10 events,  K-12 outreach events in the local community, including on SWE-BWS
science fair awardsǂ
● Name recognition as a sponsor of (2) two collegiate outreach events
● Name recognition as a sponsor of (1) professional development or networking event​


Commitment of $2500-4999 

● Recognition as a GOLD Sponsor on SWE-BWS Website, Ecomm emails, social media, and promotional materials
● Opportunity for your engineers to participate in a local K-12 outreach eventǂ
● Name recognition as a sponsor on the SWE awards that SWE-BWS volunteers give to middle and high school students at (3) three local Science Fairs
● Name recognition as a sponsor of (1) one collegiate outreach event
● Name recognition as a sponsor of (1) one professional development or networking event


Commitment of $1000-$2499

​​● Recognition as a SILVER Sponsor on SWE-BWS Website, Ecomm email, social media, and
promotional materials
● Opportunity for your engineers to participate in a local K-12 outreach eventǂ
● Name recognition as a sponsor on the SWE awards that SWE-BWS volunteers give to middle and high school students at (1) one local Science Fair


Commitment of  under $1000

● Recognition as a BRONZE sponsor on SWE-BWS Website, Ecomm email, social media, and
promotional materials
● Opportunity for your engineers to participate in a local K-12 outreach eventǂ.

* “Girl” and “Female” includes all who identify as a female/woman

​ǂ COVID-19 restrictions may impact our ability to participate in K-12 outreach activities in person or at all.

We have made this same information available in document form if you would like a copy to share within your company please download it below.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Corporate Sponsor!

Are you ready to become a Corporate Sponsor or would you like more information?

Accenture Federal Services + SWE-BWS Joint Meeting

Thank you to our current corporate sponsor, Accenture Federal Services!

During the Spring 2023 Science Fair season, Accenture Federal Services helped SWE-BWS award more than 400 prizes to students.