SWE-BWS Leadership strives to create engaging and inspiring professional development, networking, and volunteering opportunities for our 750+ members.

Meet our FY26 Executive Council below!

President: Gabrielle Leesman
​Email: president@swe-bws.org

Gabby works as an Eastern Region Early Career Talent Manager for Northrop Grumman. She strongly believes in SWEs mission. She believes that we can utilize our talents and resources to encourage and inspire the younger generation to embrace STEM, and she hopes to help lead the section in a direction that encourages our communities’ youth to follow wherever their passions lead them.

Vice President, Outreach: Bertina Suber-Hanley
Email: vicepresident@swe-bws.org

Bertina serves as Vice President of Outreach for the Society of Women Engineers- Baltimore/Washington Region, which immerses young girls and collegiates via outreach events. She is excited to assist SWE BWE to enhance the girl’s knowledge and experience in our region. Bertina is thrilled to continue working with the Science Olympiad, science fairs in the region, and other engineering events.

Vice President, Professional Development: Brittany Bockstanz
Email: vicepresident_pd@swe-bws.org

Brittany has been a member with SWE-BWS for 3 years. She first joined SWE as a sophomore in college (where she served as treasurer) and rediscovered SWE as a professional with this chapter. She studied electrical engineering at Western Michigan University. has a masters in engineering management from University of Arizona and holds a professional engineering license in control system engineering with two states. She currently is a project manager for Schneider Electric. She is looking forward to working with local companies and putting together opportunities for professional development for our members. 

Treasurer: Nikki Weigel
Email: treasurer@swe-bws.org

Nikki manages Software Engineers at Northrop Grumman in the Space division. She has experience in several industries over the last 20yrs. Back in Orlando, where she grew up, Nikki volunteered for over seven years with the Orlando Health team supporting events for Winnie and Arnold Palmer hospitals, including aiding in runs and banquets. She is excited to volunteer her time in support of SWE’s mission; supporting women in STEM is a passion of hers. Her favorite quote is “It’s either love life or fear it”.

External Secretary: Annaliese Cunniffe
Email: secretary@swe-bws.org

Annaliese has been a SWE member since her freshman year of college and has been honored to serve in multiple leadership positions. As External Secretary for SWE-BWS, she is excited to strengthen our section’s social media presence in an effort to better engage with current and future members.  As a Mechanical Engineer, Annaliese designs, tests, and qualifies mechanical components for a military protection system. 

Internal Secretary: Kathryn Wittek
Email: secretary@swe-bws.org

Kathryn has been a member of SWE since her freshman year at Virginia Tech and has served in various leadership roles within the Society. As Internal Secretary for SWE-BWS, she is excited to build a strong communication network within the Executive Council, as well as keeping members up to date! Kathryn is a Test Engineer at Northrop Grumman in Annapolis, MD.

Our section has monthly executive council meetings. Anyone who would like to attend is welcome. Please rsvp here.​ 

Interested in Running for the SWE-BWS Executive Council?

The Society of Women Engineer’s fiscal year begins July 1st and continues through June 30th of the following calendar year. All SWE-BWS Executive Council terms are 1 year. SWE-BWS will send out a call for nominations in May. Following this, the Officer Slate will be announced and members will have 2 weeks to submit their votes electronically. If you are interested in running for any of the EC positions, we encourage you to get involved throughout the fiscal year.